Visualization of DatasetΒΆ

Get a GraspNet instance.

graspnet_root = '/home/gmh/graspnet' # ROOT PATH FOR GRASPNET

from graspnetAPI import GraspNet

# initialize a GraspNet instance  
g = GraspNet(graspnet_root, camera='kinect', split='train')

Show grasp labels on a object.

# show object grasps
g.showObjGrasp(objIds = 0, show=True)

Show 6D poses of objects in a scene.

# show 6d poses
g.show6DPose(sceneIds = 0, show = True)

Show Rectangle grasp labels in a scene.

# show scene rectangle grasps
g.showSceneGrasp(sceneId = 0, camera = 'realsense', annId = 0, format = 'rect', numGrasp = 20)

Show 6D grasp labels in a scene.

# show scene 6d grasps(You may need to wait several minutes)
g.showSceneGrasp(sceneId = 4, camera = 'kinect', annId = 2, format = '6d')