Source code for graspnetAPI.grasp

__author__ = 'mhgou'

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3d
import copy
import cv2

from .utils.utils import plot_gripper_pro_max, batch_rgbdxyz_2_rgbxy_depth, get_batch_key_points, batch_key_points_2_tuple, framexy_depth_2_xyz, batch_framexy_depth_2_xyz, center_depth, key_point_2_rotation, batch_center_depth, batch_framexy_depth_2_xyz, batch_key_point_2_rotation

EPS = 1e-8

[docs]class Grasp(): def __init__(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - args can be a numpy array or tuple of the score, width, height, depth, rotation_matrix, translation, object_id - the format of numpy array is [score, width, height, depth, rotation_matrix(9), translation(3), object_id] - the length of the numpy array is 17. ''' if len(args) == 0: self.grasp_array = np.array([0, 0.02, 0.02, 0.02, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ,0 , 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1], dtype = np.float64) elif len(args) == 1: if type(args[0]) == np.ndarray: self.grasp_array = copy.deepcopy(args[0]) else: raise TypeError('if only one arg is given, it must be np.ndarray.') elif len(args) == 7: score, width, height, depth, rotation_matrix, translation, object_id = args self.grasp_array = np.concatenate([np.array((score, width, height, depth)),rotation_matrix.reshape(-1), translation, np.array((object_id)).reshape(-1)]).astype(np.float64) else: raise ValueError('only 1 or 7 arguments are accepted') def __repr__(self): return 'Grasp: score:{}, width:{}, height:{}, depth:{}, translation:{}\nrotation:\n{}\nobject id:{}'.format(self.score, self.width, self.height, self.depth, self.translation, self.rotation_matrix, self.object_id) @property def score(self): ''' **Output:** - float of the score. ''' return float(self.grasp_array[0]) @score.setter def score(self, score): ''' **input:** - float of the score. ''' self.grasp_array[0] = score @property def width(self): ''' **Output:** - float of the width. ''' return float(self.grasp_array[1]) @width.setter def width(self, width): ''' **input:** - float of the width. ''' self.grasp_array[1] = width @property def height(self): ''' **Output:** - float of the height. ''' return float(self.grasp_array[2]) @height.setter def height(self, height): ''' **input:** - float of the height. ''' self.grasp_array[2] = height @property def depth(self): ''' **Output:** - float of the depth. ''' return float(self.grasp_array[3]) @depth.setter def depth(self, depth): ''' **input:** - float of the depth. ''' self.grasp_array[3] = depth @property def rotation_matrix(self): ''' **Output:** - np.array of shape (3, 3) of the rotation matrix. ''' return self.grasp_array[4:13].reshape((3,3)) @rotation_matrix.setter def rotation_matrix(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - len(args) == 1: tuple of matrix - len(args) == 9: float of matrix ''' if len(args) == 1: self.grasp_array[4:13] = np.array(args[0],dtype = np.float64).reshape(9) elif len(args) == 9: self.grasp_array[4:13] = np.array(args,dtype = np.float64) @property def translation(self): ''' **Output:** - np.array of shape (3,) of the translation. ''' return self.grasp_array[13:16] @translation.setter def translation(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - len(args) == 1: tuple of x, y, z - len(args) == 3: float of x, y, z ''' if len(args) == 1: self.grasp_array[13:16] = np.array(args[0],dtype = np.float64) elif len(args) == 3: self.grasp_array[13:16] = np.array(args,dtype = np.float64) @property def object_id(self): ''' **Output:** - int of the object id that this grasp grasps ''' return int(self.grasp_array[16]) @object_id.setter def object_id(self, object_id): ''' **Input:** - int of the object_id. ''' self.grasp_array[16] = object_id
[docs] def transform(self, T): ''' **Input:** - T: np.array of shape (4, 4) **Output:** - Grasp instance after transformation, the original Grasp will also be changed. ''' rotation = T[:3,:3] translation = T[:3,3] self.translation =, self.translation.reshape((3,1))).reshape(-1) + translation self.rotation_matrix =, self.rotation_matrix) return self
[docs] def to_open3d_geometry(self, color=None): ''' **Input:** - color: optional, tuple of shape (3) denotes (r, g, b), e.g., (1,0,0) for red **Ouput:** - list of open3d.geometry.Geometry of the gripper. ''' return plot_gripper_pro_max(self.translation, self.rotation_matrix, self.width, self.depth, score = self.score, color = color)
[docs]class GraspGroup(): def __init__(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - args can be (1) nothing (2) numpy array of grasp group array (3) str of the npy file. ''' if len(args) == 0: self.grasp_group_array = np.zeros((0, GRASP_ARRAY_LEN), dtype=np.float64) elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): self.grasp_group_array = args[0] elif isinstance(args[0], str): self.grasp_group_array = np.load(args[0]) else: raise ValueError('args must be nothing, numpy array or string.') else: raise ValueError('args must be nothing, numpy array or string.') def __len__(self): ''' **Output:** - int of the length. ''' return len(self.grasp_group_array) def __repr__(self): repr = '----------\nGrasp Group, Number={}:\n'.format(self.__len__()) if self.__len__() <= 6: for grasp_array in self.grasp_group_array: repr += Grasp(grasp_array).__repr__() + '\n' else: for i in range(3): repr += Grasp(self.grasp_group_array[i]).__repr__() + '\n' repr += '......\n' for i in range(3): repr += Grasp(self.grasp_group_array[-(3-i)]).__repr__() + '\n' return repr + '----------' def __getitem__(self, index): ''' **Input:** - index: int, slice, list or np.ndarray. **Output:** - if index is int, return Grasp instance. - if index is slice, np.ndarray or list, return GraspGroup instance. ''' if type(index) == int: return Grasp(self.grasp_group_array[index]) elif type(index) == slice: graspgroup = GraspGroup() graspgroup.grasp_group_array = copy.deepcopy(self.grasp_group_array[index]) return graspgroup elif type(index) == np.ndarray: return GraspGroup(self.grasp_group_array[index]) elif type(index) == list: return GraspGroup(self.grasp_group_array[index]) else: raise TypeError('unknown type "{}" for calling __getitem__ for GraspGroup'.format(type(index))) @property def scores(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the scores. ''' return self.grasp_group_array[:,0] @scores.setter def scores(self, scores): ''' **Input:** - scores: numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the scores. ''' assert scores.size == len(self) self.grasp_group_array[:,0] = copy.deepcopy(scores) @property def widths(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the widths. ''' return self.grasp_group_array[:,1] @widths.setter def widths(self, widths): ''' **Input:** - widths: numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the widths. ''' assert widths.size == len(self) self.grasp_group_array[:,1] = copy.deepcopy(widths) @property def heights(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the heights. ''' return self.grasp_group_array[:,2] @heights.setter def heights(self, heights): ''' **Input:** - heights: numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the heights. ''' assert heights.size == len(self) self.grasp_group_array[:,2] = copy.deepcopy(heights) @property def depths(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the depths. ''' return self.grasp_group_array[:,3] @depths.setter def depths(self, depths): ''' **Input:** - depths: numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the depths. ''' assert depths.size == len(self) self.grasp_group_array[:,3] = copy.deepcopy(depths) @property def rotation_matrices(self): ''' **Output:** - np.array of shape (-1, 3, 3) of the rotation matrices. ''' return self.grasp_group_array[:, 4:13].reshape((-1, 3, 3)) @rotation_matrices.setter def rotation_matrices(self, rotation_matrices): ''' **Input:** - rotation_matrices: numpy array of shape (-1, 3, 3) of the rotation_matrices. ''' assert rotation_matrices.shape == (len(self), 3, 3) self.grasp_group_array[:,4:13] = copy.deepcopy(rotation_matrices.reshape((-1, 9))) @property def translations(self): ''' **Output:** - np.array of shape (-1, 3) of the translations. ''' return self.grasp_group_array[:, 13:16] @translations.setter def translations(self, translations): ''' **Input:** - translations: numpy array of shape (-1, 3) of the translations. ''' assert translations.shape == (len(self), 3) self.grasp_group_array[:,13:16] = copy.deepcopy(translations) @property def object_ids(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the object ids. ''' return self.grasp_group_array[:,16] @object_ids.setter def object_ids(self, object_ids): ''' **Input:** - object_ids: numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the object_ids. ''' assert object_ids.size == len(self) self.grasp_group_array[:,16] = copy.deepcopy(object_ids)
[docs] def transform(self, T): ''' **Input:** - T: np.array of shape (4, 4) **Output:** - GraspGroup instance after transformation, the original GraspGroup will also be changed. ''' rotation = T[:3,:3] translation = T[:3,3] self.translations =, self.translations.T).T + translation # (-1, 3) self.rotation_matrices = np.matmul(rotation, self.rotation_matrices).reshape((-1, 3, 3)) # (-1, 9) return self
[docs] def add(self, element): ''' **Input:** - element: Grasp instance or GraspGroup instance. ''' if isinstance(element, Grasp): self.grasp_group_array = np.concatenate((self.grasp_group_array, element.grasp_array.reshape((-1, GRASP_ARRAY_LEN)))) elif isinstance(element, GraspGroup): self.grasp_group_array = np.concatenate((self.grasp_group_array, element.grasp_group_array)) else: raise TypeError('Unknown type:{}'.format(element)) return self
[docs] def remove(self, index): ''' **Input:** - index: list of the index of grasp ''' self.grasp_group_array = np.delete(self.grasp_group_array, index, axis = 0) return self
[docs] def from_npy(self, npy_file_path): ''' **Input:** - npy_file_path: string of the file path. ''' self.grasp_group_array = np.load(npy_file_path) return self
[docs] def save_npy(self, npy_file_path): ''' **Input:** - npy_file_path: string of the file path. ''', self.grasp_group_array)
[docs] def to_open3d_geometry_list(self): ''' **Output:** - list of open3d.geometry.Geometry of the grippers. ''' geometry = [] for i in range(len(self.grasp_group_array)): g = Grasp(self.grasp_group_array[i]) geometry.append(g.to_open3d_geometry()) return geometry
[docs] def sort_by_score(self, reverse = False): ''' **Input:** - reverse: bool of order, if False, from high to low, if True, from low to high. **Output:** - no output but sort the grasp group. ''' score = self.grasp_group_array[:,0] index = np.argsort(score) if not reverse: index = index[::-1] self.grasp_group_array = self.grasp_group_array[index] return self
[docs] def random_sample(self, numGrasp = 20): ''' **Input:** - numGrasp: int of the number of sampled grasps. **Output:** - GraspGroup instance of sample grasps. ''' if numGrasp > self.__len__(): raise ValueError('Number of sampled grasp should be no more than the total number of grasps in the group') shuffled_grasp_group_array = copy.deepcopy(self.grasp_group_array) np.random.shuffle(shuffled_grasp_group_array) shuffled_grasp_group = GraspGroup() shuffled_grasp_group.grasp_group_array = copy.deepcopy(shuffled_grasp_group_array[:numGrasp]) return shuffled_grasp_group
[docs] def to_rect_grasp_group(self, camera): ''' **Input:** - camera: string of type of camera, 'realsense' or 'kinect'. **Output:** - RectGraspGroup instance or None. ''' tranlations = self.translations rotations = self.rotation_matrices depths = self.depths scores = self.scores widths = self.widths object_ids = self.object_ids mask = (rotations[:, 2, 0] > 0.99) tranlations = tranlations[mask] depths = depths[mask] widths = widths[mask] scores = scores[mask] rotations = rotations[mask] object_ids = object_ids[mask] if tranlations.shape[0] == 0: return None k_points = get_batch_key_points(tranlations, rotations, widths) k_points = k_points.reshape([-1, 3]) k_points = k_points.reshape([-1, 4, 3]) rect_grasp_group_array = batch_key_points_2_tuple(k_points, scores, object_ids, camera) rect_grasp_group = RectGraspGroup() rect_grasp_group.rect_grasp_group_array = rect_grasp_group_array return rect_grasp_group
[docs] def nms(self, translation_thresh = 0.03, rotation_thresh = 30.0 / 180.0 * np.pi): ''' **Input:** - translation_thresh: float of the translation threshold. - rotation_thresh: float of the rotation threshold. **Output:** - GraspGroup instance after nms. ''' from grasp_nms import nms_grasp return GraspGroup(nms_grasp(self.grasp_group_array, translation_thresh, rotation_thresh))
[docs]class RectGrasp(): def __init__(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - args can be a numpy array or tuple of the center_x, center_y, open_x, open_y, height, score, object_id - the format of numpy array is [center_x, center_y, open_x, open_y, height, score, object_id] - the length of the numpy array is 7. ''' if len(args) == 1: if type(args[0]) == np.ndarray: self.rect_grasp_array = copy.deepcopy(args[0]) else: raise TypeError('if only one arg is given, it must be np.ndarray.') elif len(args) == RECT_GRASP_ARRAY_LEN: self.rect_grasp_array = np.array(args).astype(np.float64) else: raise ValueError('only one or six arguments are accepted') def __repr__(self): return 'Rectangle Grasp: score:{}, height:{}, open point:{}, center point:{}, object id:{}'.format(self.score, self.height, self.open_point, self.center_point, self.object_id) @property def score(self): ''' **Output:** - float of the score. ''' return self.rect_grasp_array[5] @score.setter def score(self, score): ''' **input:** - float of the score. ''' self.rect_grasp_array[5] = score @property def height(self): ''' **Output:** - float of the height. ''' return self.rect_grasp_array[4] @height.setter def height(self, height): ''' **input:** - float of the height. ''' self.rect_grasp_array[4] = height @property def open_point(self): ''' **Output:** - tuple of x,y of the open point. ''' return (self.rect_grasp_array[2], self.rect_grasp_array[3]) @open_point.setter def open_point(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - len(args) == 1: tuple of x, y - len(args) == 2: float of x, y ''' if len(args) == 1: self.rect_grasp_array[2:4] = np.array(args[0],dtype = np.float64) elif len(args) == 2: self.rect_grasp_array[2:4] = np.array(args,dtype = np.float64) @property def center_point(self): ''' **Output:** - tuple of x,y of the center point. ''' return (self.rect_grasp_array[0], self.rect_grasp_array[1]) @center_point.setter def center_point(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - len(args) == 1: tuple of x, y - len(args) == 2: float of x, y ''' if len(args) == 1: self.rect_grasp_array[0:2] = np.array(args[0],dtype = np.float64) elif len(args) == 2: self.rect_grasp_array[0:2] = np.array(args,dtype = np.float64) @property def object_id(self): ''' **Output:** - int of the object id that this grasp grasps ''' return int(self.rect_grasp_array[6]) @object_id.setter def object_id(self, object_id): ''' **input:** - float of the object_id. ''' self.rect_grasp_array[6] = object_id
[docs] def to_opencv_image(self, opencv_rgb): ''' **input:** - opencv_rgb: numpy array of opencv BGR format. **Output:** - numpy array of opencv RGB format that shows the rectangle grasp. ''' center_x, center_y, open_x, open_y, height, score, object_id = self.rect_grasp_array center = np.array([center_x, center_y]) left = np.array([open_x, open_y]) axis = left - center normal = np.array([-axis[1], axis[0]]) normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) * height / 2 p1 = center + normal + axis p2 = center + normal - axis p3 = center - normal - axis p4 = center - normal + axis cv2.line(opencv_rgb, (int(p1[0]),int(p1[1])), (int(p2[0]),int(p2[1])), (0,0,255), 1, 8) cv2.line(opencv_rgb, (int(p2[0]),int(p2[1])), (int(p3[0]),int(p3[1])), (255,0,0), 3, 8) cv2.line(opencv_rgb, (int(p3[0]),int(p3[1])), (int(p4[0]),int(p4[1])), (0,0,255), 1, 8) cv2.line(opencv_rgb, (int(p4[0]),int(p4[1])), (int(p1[0]),int(p1[1])), (255,0,0), 3, 8) return opencv_rgb
[docs] def get_key_points(self): ''' **Output:** - center, open_point, upper_point, each of them is a numpy array of shape (2,) ''' open_point = np.array(self.open_point) center = np.array(self.center_point) height = self.height open_point_vector = open_point - center unit_open_point_vector = open_point_vector / np.linalg.norm(open_point_vector) counter_clock_wise_rotation_matrix = np.array([[0,-1], [1, 0]]) upper_point =, unit_open_point_vector) * height / 2 + center return center, open_point, upper_point
[docs] def to_grasp(self, camera, depths, depth_method = center_depth): ''' **Input:** - camera: string of type of camera, 'kinect' or 'realsense'. - depths: numpy array of the depths image. - depth_method: function of calculating the depth. **Output:** - grasp: Grasp instance of None if the depth is not valid. ''' center, open_point, upper_point = self.get_key_points() depth_2d = depth_method(depths, center, open_point, upper_point) / 1000.0 # print('depth 2d:{}'.format(depth_2d)) if abs(depth_2d) < EPS: return None center_xyz = np.array(framexy_depth_2_xyz(center[0], center[1], depth_2d, camera)) open_point_xyz = np.array(framexy_depth_2_xyz(open_point[0], open_point[1], depth_2d, camera)) upper_point_xyz = np.array(framexy_depth_2_xyz(upper_point[0], upper_point[1], depth_2d, camera)) depth = 0.02 height = np.linalg.norm(upper_point_xyz - center_xyz) * 2 width = np.linalg.norm(open_point_xyz - center_xyz) * 2 score = self.score object_id = self.object_id translation = center_xyz rotation = key_point_2_rotation(center_xyz, open_point_xyz, upper_point_xyz) # to avoid bug some time if height < EPS: return None return Grasp(score, width, height, depth, rotation, translation, object_id)
[docs]class RectGraspGroup(): def __init__(self, *args): ''' **Input:** - args can be (1) nothing (2) numpy array of rect_grasp_group_array (3) str of the numpy file. ''' if len(args) == 0: self.rect_grasp_group_array = np.zeros((0, RECT_GRASP_ARRAY_LEN), dtype=np.float64) elif len(args) == 1: if isinstance(args[0], np.ndarray): self.rect_grasp_group_array = args[0] elif isinstance(args[0], str): self.rect_grasp_group_array = np.load(args[0]) else: raise ValueError('args must be nothing, numpy array or string.') else: raise ValueError('args must be nothing, numpy array or string.') def __len__(self): ''' **Output:** - int of the length. ''' return len(self.rect_grasp_group_array) def __repr__(self): repr = '----------\nRectangle Grasp Group, Number={}:\n'.format(self.__len__()) if self.__len__() <= 10: for rect_grasp_array in self.rect_grasp_group_array: repr += RectGrasp(rect_grasp_array).__repr__() + '\n' else: for i in range(5): repr += RectGrasp(self.rect_grasp_group_array[i]).__repr__() + '\n' repr += '......\n' for i in range(5): repr += RectGrasp(self.rect_grasp_group_array[-(5-i)]).__repr__() + '\n' return repr + '----------' def __getitem__(self, index): ''' **Input:** - index: int, slice, list or np.ndarray. **Output:** - if index is int, return Grasp instance. - if index is slice, np.ndarray or list, return RectGraspGroup instance. ''' if isinstance(index, int): return RectGrasp(self.rect_grasp_group_array[index]) elif isinstance(index, slice) or isinstance(index, list) or isinstance(index, np.ndarray): rectgraspgroup = RectGraspGroup() rectgraspgroup.rect_grasp_group_array = copy.deepcopy(self.rect_grasp_group_array[index]) return rectgraspgroup else: raise TypeError('unknown type "{}" for calling __getitem__ for RectGraspGroup'.format(type(index)))
[docs] def add(self, rect_grasp): ''' **Input:** - rect_grasp: RectGrasp instance ''' self.rect_grasp_group_array = np.concatenate((self.rect_grasp_group_array, rect_grasp.rect_grasp_array.reshape((-1, RECT_GRASP_ARRAY_LEN)))) return self
@property def scores(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array of the scores. ''' return self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 5] @scores.setter def scores(self, scores): ''' **Input:** - scores: numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the scores. ''' assert scores.size == len(self) self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 5] = copy.deepcopy(scores) @property def heights(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array of the heights. ''' return self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 4] @heights.setter def heights(self, heights): ''' **Input:** - heights: numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the heights. ''' assert heights.size == len(self) self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 4] = copy.deepcopy(heights) @property def open_points(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array the open points of shape (-1, 2). ''' return self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 2:4] @open_points.setter def open_points(self, open_points): ''' **Input:** - open_points: numpy array of shape (-1, 2) of the open_points. ''' assert open_points.shape == (len(self), 2) self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 2:4] = copy.deepcopy(open_points) @property def center_points(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array the center points of shape (-1, 2). ''' return self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 0:2] @center_points.setter def center_points(self, center_points): ''' **Input:** - center_points: numpy array of shape (-1, 2) of the center_points. ''' assert center_points.shape == (len(self), 2) self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 0:2] = copy.deepcopy(center_points) @property def object_ids(self): ''' **Output:** - numpy array of the object ids that this grasp grasps. ''' return np.round(self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 6]).astype(np.int32) @object_ids.setter def object_ids(self, object_ids): ''' **Input:** - heiobject_idsghts: numpy array of shape (-1, ) of the object_ids. ''' assert object_ids.size == len(self) self.rect_grasp_group_array[:, 6] = copy.deepcopy(object_ids)
[docs] def remove(self, index): ''' **Input:** - index: list of the index of rect_grasp ''' self.rect_grasp_group_array = np.delete(self.rect_grasp_group_array, index, axis = 0)
[docs] def from_npy(self, npy_file_path): ''' **Input:** - npy_file_path: string of the file path. ''' self.rect_grasp_group_array = np.load(npy_file_path) return self
[docs] def save_npy(self, npy_file_path): ''' **Input:** - npy_file_path: string of the file path. ''', self.rect_grasp_group_array)
[docs] def to_opencv_image(self, opencv_rgb, numGrasp = 0): ''' **input:** - opencv_rgb: numpy array of opencv BGR format. - numGrasp: int of the number of grasp, 0 for all. **Output:** - numpy array of opencv RGB format that shows the rectangle grasps. ''' img = copy.deepcopy(opencv_rgb) if numGrasp == 0: numGrasp = self.__len__() shuffled_rect_grasp_group_array = copy.deepcopy(self.rect_grasp_group_array) np.random.shuffle(shuffled_rect_grasp_group_array) for rect_grasp_array in shuffled_rect_grasp_group_array[:numGrasp]: center_x, center_y, open_x, open_y, height, score, object_id = rect_grasp_array center = np.array([center_x, center_y]) left = np.array([open_x, open_y]) axis = left - center normal = np.array([-axis[1], axis[0]]) normal = normal / np.linalg.norm(normal) * height / 2 p1 = center + normal + axis p2 = center + normal - axis p3 = center - normal - axis p4 = center - normal + axis cv2.line(img, (int(p1[0]),int(p1[1])), (int(p2[0]),int(p2[1])), (0,0,255), 1, 8) cv2.line(img, (int(p2[0]),int(p2[1])), (int(p3[0]),int(p3[1])), (255,0,0), 3, 8) cv2.line(img, (int(p3[0]),int(p3[1])), (int(p4[0]),int(p4[1])), (0,0,255), 1, 8) cv2.line(img, (int(p4[0]),int(p4[1])), (int(p1[0]),int(p1[1])), (255,0,0), 3, 8) return img
[docs] def batch_get_key_points(self): ''' **Output:** - center, open_point, upper_point, each of them is a numpy array of shape (2,) ''' open_points = self.open_points # (-1, 2) centers = self.center_points # (-1, 2) heights = (self.heights).reshape((-1, 1)) # (-1, ) open_point_vector = open_points - centers norm_open_point_vector = np.linalg.norm(open_point_vector, axis = 1).reshape(-1, 1) unit_open_point_vector = open_point_vector / np.hstack((norm_open_point_vector, norm_open_point_vector)) # (-1, 2) counter_clock_wise_rotation_matrix = np.array([[0,-1], [1, 0]]) # upper_points =, unit_open_point_vector.reshape(-1, 2, 1)).reshape(-1, 2) * np.hstack([heights, heights]) / 2 + centers # (-1, 2) upper_points = np.einsum('ij,njk->nik', counter_clock_wise_rotation_matrix, unit_open_point_vector.reshape(-1, 2, 1)).reshape(-1, 2) * np.hstack([heights, heights]) / 2 + centers # (-1, 2) return centers, open_points, upper_points
[docs] def to_grasp_group(self, camera, depths, depth_method = batch_center_depth): ''' **Input:** - camera: string of type of camera, 'kinect' or 'realsense'. - depths: numpy array of the depths image. - depth_method: function of calculating the depth. **Output:** - grasp_group: GraspGroup instance or None. .. note:: The number may not be the same to the input as some depth may be invalid. ''' centers, open_points, upper_points = self.batch_get_key_points() # print(f'centers:{centers}\nopen points:{open_points}\nupper points:{upper_points}') depths_2d = depth_method(depths, centers, open_points, upper_points) / 1000.0 # print(f'depths_3d:{depths_2d}') valid_mask1 = np.abs(depths_2d) > EPS valid_mask2 = np.linalg.norm(centers - open_points, axis =1) > EPS valid_mask3 = np.linalg.norm(centers - upper_points, axis =1) > EPS valid_mask4 = np.linalg.norm(upper_points - open_points, axis =1) > EPS valid_mask = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(valid_mask1, valid_mask2), np.logical_and(valid_mask3, valid_mask4) ) # print(f'valid_mask:{valid_mask}') centers = centers[valid_mask] open_points = open_points[valid_mask] upper_points = upper_points[valid_mask] # print(f'## After filtering\ncenters:{centers}\nopen points:{open_points}\nupper points:{upper_points}') depths_2d = depths_2d[valid_mask] valid_num = centers.shape[0] if valid_num == 0: return None centers_xyz = np.array(batch_framexy_depth_2_xyz(centers[:, 0], centers[:, 1], depths_2d, camera)).T open_points_xyz = np.array(batch_framexy_depth_2_xyz(open_points[:, 0], open_points[:, 1], depths_2d, camera)).T upper_points_xyz = np.array(batch_framexy_depth_2_xyz(upper_points[:, 0], upper_points[:, 1], depths_2d, camera)).T depths = 0.02 * np.ones((valid_num, 1)) heights = (np.linalg.norm(upper_points_xyz - centers_xyz, axis = 1) * 2).reshape((-1, 1)) widths = (np.linalg.norm(open_points_xyz - centers_xyz, axis = 1) * 2).reshape((-1, 1)) scores = (self.scores)[valid_mask].reshape((-1, 1)) object_ids = (self.object_ids)[valid_mask].reshape((-1, 1)) translations = centers_xyz rotations = batch_key_point_2_rotation(centers_xyz, open_points_xyz, upper_points_xyz).reshape((-1, 9)) grasp_group = GraspGroup() grasp_group.grasp_group_array = copy.deepcopy(np.hstack((scores, widths, heights, depths, rotations, translations, object_ids))).astype(np.float64) return grasp_group
[docs] def sort_by_score(self, reverse = False): ''' **Input:** - reverse: bool of order, if False, from high to low, if True, from low to high. **Output:** - no output but sort the grasp group. ''' score = self.rect_grasp_group_array[:,5] index = np.argsort(score) if not reverse: index = index[::-1] self.rect_grasp_group_array = self.rect_grasp_group_array[index] return self
[docs] def random_sample(self, numGrasp = 20): ''' **Input:** - numGrasp: int of the number of sampled grasps. **Output:** - RectGraspGroup instance of sample grasps. ''' if numGrasp > self.__len__(): raise ValueError('Number of sampled grasp should be no more than the total number of grasps in the group') shuffled_rect_grasp_group_array = copy.deepcopy(self.rect_grasp_group_array) np.random.shuffle(shuffled_rect_grasp_group_array) shuffled_rect_grasp_group = RectGraspGroup() shuffled_rect_grasp_group.rect_grasp_group_array = copy.deepcopy(shuffled_rect_grasp_group_array[:numGrasp]) return shuffled_rect_grasp_group