Source code for graspnetAPI.graspnet

__author__ = 'hsfang, mhgou, cxwang'

# Interface for accessing the GraspNet-1Billion dataset.
# Description and part of the codes modified from MSCOCO api

# GraspNet is an open project for general object grasping that is continuously enriched.
# Currently we release GraspNet-1Billion, a large-scale benchmark for general object grasping,
# as well as other related areas (e.g. 6D pose estimation, unseen object segmentation, etc.).
# graspnetapi is a Python API that # assists in loading, parsing and visualizing the
# annotations in GraspNet. Please visit for more information on GraspNet,
# including for the data, paper, and tutorials. The exact format of the annotations
# is also described on the GraspNet website. For example usage of the graspnetapi
# please see graspnetapi_demo.ipynb. In addition to this API, please download both
# the GraspNet images and annotations in order to run the demo.

# An alternative to using the API is to load the annotations directly
# into Python dictionary
# Using the API provides additional utility functions. Note that this API
# supports both *grasping* and *6d pose* annotations. In the case of
# 6d poses not all functions are defined (e.g. collisions are undefined).

# The following API functions are defined:
#  GraspNet             - GraspNet api class that loads GraspNet annotation file and prepare data structures.
#  checkDataCompleteness- Check the file completeness of the dataset.
#  getSceneIds          - Get scene ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
#  getObjIds            - Get obj ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
#  getDataIds           - Get data ids that satisfy given filter conditions.
#  loadBGR              - Load image in BGR format.
#  loadRGB              - Load image in RGB format.
#  loadDepth            - Load depth image.
#  loadMask             - Load the segmentation masks.
#  loadSceneModels      - Load object models in a scene.
#  loadScenePointCloud  - Load point cloud constructed by the depth and color image.
#  loadWorkSpace        - Load the workspace bounding box.
#  loadGraspLabels      - Load grasp labels with the specified object ids.
#  loadObjModels        - Load object 3d mesh model with the specified object ids.
#  loadObjTrimesh       - Load object 3d mesh in Trimesh format.
#  loadCollisionLabels  - Load collision labels with the specified scene ids.
#  loadGrasp            - Load grasp labels with the specified scene and annotation id.
#  loadData             - Load data path with the specified data ids.
#  showObjGrasp         - Save visualization of the grasp pose of specified object ids.
#  showSceneGrasp       - Save visualization of the grasp pose of specified scene ids.
#  show6DPose           - Save visualization of the 6d pose of specified scene ids, project obj models onto pointcloud
# Throughout the API "ann"=annotation, "obj"=object, and "img"=image.

# GraspNet Toolbox.      version 1.0
# Data, paper, and tutorials available at:
# Code written by Hao-Shu Fang, Minghao Gou and Chenxi Wang, 2020.
# Licensed under the none commercial CC4.0 license [see]

import os
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
import open3d as o3d
import cv2
import trimesh

from .grasp import Grasp, GraspGroup, RectGrasp, RectGraspGroup, RECT_GRASP_ARRAY_LEN
from .utils.utils import transform_points, parse_posevector
from .utils.xmlhandler import xmlReader


def _isArrayLike(obj):
    return hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and hasattr(obj, '__len__')

[docs]class GraspNet(): def __init__(self, root, camera='kinect', split='train'): ''' graspnetAPI main class. **input**: - camera: string of type of camera: "kinect" or "realsense" - split: string of type of split of dataset: "all", "train", "test", "test_seen", "test_similar" or "test_novel" ''' assert camera in ['kinect', 'realsense'], 'camera should be kinect or realsense' assert split in ['all', 'train', 'test', 'test_seen', 'test_similar', 'test_novel'], 'split should be all/train/test/test_seen/test_similar/test_novel' self.root = root = camera self.split = split self.collisionLabels = {} if split == 'all': self.sceneIds = list(range(TOTAL_SCENE_NUM)) elif split == 'train': self.sceneIds = list(range(100)) elif split == 'test': self.sceneIds = list(range(100, 190)) elif split == 'test_seen': self.sceneIds = list(range(100, 130)) elif split == 'test_similar': self.sceneIds = list(range(130, 160)) elif split == 'test_novel': self.sceneIds = list(range(160, 190)) self.rgbPath = [] self.depthPath = [] self.segLabelPath = [] self.metaPath = [] self.rectLabelPath = [] self.sceneName = [] self.annId = [] for i in tqdm(self.sceneIds, desc='Loading data path...'): for img_num in range(256): self.rgbPath.append(os.path.join( root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(i).zfill(4), camera, 'rgb', str(img_num).zfill(4)+'.png')) self.depthPath.append(os.path.join( root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(i).zfill(4), camera, 'depth', str(img_num).zfill(4)+'.png')) self.segLabelPath.append(os.path.join( root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(i).zfill(4), camera, 'label', str(img_num).zfill(4)+'.png')) self.metaPath.append(os.path.join( root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(i).zfill(4), camera, 'meta', str(img_num).zfill(4)+'.mat')) self.rectLabelPath.append(os.path.join( root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(i).zfill(4), camera, 'rect', str(img_num).zfill(4)+'.npy')) self.sceneName.append('scene_'+str(i).zfill(4)) self.annId.append(img_num) self.objIds = self.getObjIds(self.sceneIds) def __len__(self): return len(self.depthPath)
[docs] def checkDataCompleteness(self): ''' Check whether the dataset files are complete. **Output:** - bool, True for complete, False for not complete. ''' error_flag = False for obj_id in tqdm(range(88), 'Checking Models'): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, 'models','%03d' % obj_id, 'nontextured.ply')): error_flag = True print('No nontextured.ply For Object {}'.format(obj_id)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, 'models','%03d' % obj_id, 'textured.sdf')): error_flag = True print('No textured.sdf For Object {}'.format(obj_id)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, 'models','%03d' % obj_id, 'textured.obj')): error_flag = True print('No textured.obj For Object {}'.format(obj_id)) for obj_id in tqdm(range(88), 'Checking Grasp Labels'): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, 'grasp_label', '%03d_labels.npz' % obj_id)): error_flag = True print('No Grasp Label For Object {}'.format(obj_id)) for sceneId in tqdm(self.sceneIds, 'Checking Collosion Labels'): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.root, 'collision_label', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, 'collision_labels.npz')): error_flag = True print('No Collision Labels For Scene {}'.format(sceneId)) for sceneId in tqdm(self.sceneIds, 'Checking Scene Datas'): scene_dir = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(scene_dir,'object_id_list.txt')): error_flag = True print('No Object Id List For Scene {}'.format(sceneId)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(scene_dir,'rs_wrt_kn.npy')): error_flag = True print('No rs_wrt_kn.npy For Scene {}'.format(sceneId)) for camera in []: camera_dir = os.path.join(scene_dir, camera) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'cam0_wrt_table.npy')): error_flag = True print('No cam0_wrt_table.npy For Scene {}, Camera:{}'.format(sceneId, camera)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'camera_poses.npy')): error_flag = True print('No camera_poses.npy For Scene {}, Camera:{}'.format(sceneId, camera)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'camK.npy')): error_flag = True print('No camK.npy For Scene {}, Camera:{}'.format(sceneId, camera)) for annId in range(256): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'rgb','%04d.png' % annId)): error_flag = True print('No RGB Image For Scene {}, Camera:{}, annotion:{}'.format(sceneId, camera, annId)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'depth','%04d.png' % annId)): error_flag = True print('No Depth Image For Scene {}, Camera:{}, annotion:{}'.format(sceneId, camera, annId)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'label','%04d.png' % annId)): error_flag = True print('No Mask Label image For Scene {}, Camera:{}, annotion:{}'.format(sceneId, camera, annId)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'meta','%04d.mat' % annId)): error_flag = True print('No Meta Data For Scene {}, Camera:{}, annotion:{}'.format(sceneId, camera, annId)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'annotations','%04d.xml' % annId)): error_flag = True print('No Annotations For Scene {}, Camera:{}, annotion:{}'.format(sceneId, camera, annId)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(camera_dir,'rect','%04d.npy' % annId)): error_flag = True print('No Rectangle Labels For Scene {}, Camera:{}, annotion:{}'.format(sceneId, camera, annId)) return not error_flag
[docs] def getSceneIds(self, objIds=None): ''' **Input:** - objIds: int or list of int of the object ids. **Output:** - a list of int of the scene ids that contains **all** the objects. ''' if objIds is None: return self.sceneIds assert _isArrayLike(objIds) or isinstance(objIds, int), 'objIds must be integer or a list/numpy array of integers' objIds = objIds if _isArrayLike(objIds) else [objIds] sceneIds = [] for i in self.sceneIds: f = open(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_' + str(i).zfill(4), 'object_id_list.txt')) idxs = [int(line.strip()) for line in f.readlines()] check = all(item in idxs for item in objIds) if check: sceneIds.append(i) return sceneIds
[docs] def getObjIds(self, sceneIds=None): ''' **Input:** - sceneIds: int or list of int of the scene ids. **Output:** - a list of int of the object ids in the given scenes. ''' # get object ids in the given scenes if sceneIds is None: return self.objIds assert _isArrayLike(sceneIds) or isinstance(sceneIds, int), 'sceneIds must be an integer or a list/numpy array of integers' sceneIds = sceneIds if _isArrayLike(sceneIds) else [sceneIds] objIds = [] for i in sceneIds: f = open(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_' + str(i).zfill(4), 'object_id_list.txt')) idxs = [int(line.strip()) for line in f.readlines()] objIds = list(set(objIds+idxs)) return objIds
[docs] def getDataIds(self, sceneIds=None): ''' **Input:** - sceneIds:int or list of int of the scenes ids. **Output:** - a list of int of the data ids. Data could be accessed by calling self.loadData(ids). ''' # get index for datapath that contains the given scenes if sceneIds is None: return list(range(len(self.sceneName))) ids = [] indexPosList = [] for i in sceneIds: indexPosList += [ j for j in range(0,len(self.sceneName),256) if self.sceneName[j] == 'scene_'+str(i).zfill(4) ] for idx in indexPosList: ids += list(range(idx, idx+256)) return ids
[docs] def loadGraspLabels(self, objIds=None): ''' **Input:** - objIds: int or list of int of the object ids. **Output:** - a dict of grasplabels of each object. ''' # load object-level grasp labels of the given obj ids objIds = self.objIds if objIds is None else objIds assert _isArrayLike(objIds) or isinstance(objIds, int), 'objIds must be an integer or a list/numpy array of integers' objIds = objIds if _isArrayLike(objIds) else [objIds] graspLabels = {} for i in tqdm(objIds, desc='Loading grasping labels...'): file = np.load(os.path.join(self.root, 'grasp_label', '{}_labels.npz'.format(str(i).zfill(3)))) graspLabels[i] = (file['points'].astype(np.float32), file['offsets'].astype(np.float32), file['scores'].astype(np.float32)) return graspLabels
[docs] def loadObjModels(self, objIds=None): ''' **Function:** - load object 3D models of the given obj ids **Input:** - objIDs: int or list of int of the object ids **Output:** - a list of open3d.geometry.PointCloud of the models ''' objIds = self.objIds if objIds is None else objIds assert _isArrayLike(objIds) or isinstance(objIds, int), 'objIds must be an integer or a list/numpy array of integers' objIds = objIds if _isArrayLike(objIds) else [objIds] models = [] for i in tqdm(objIds, desc='Loading objects...'): plyfile = os.path.join(self.root, 'models','%03d' % i, 'nontextured.ply') models.append( return models
[docs] def loadObjTrimesh(self, objIds=None): ''' **Function:** - load object 3D trimesh of the given obj ids **Input:** - objIDs: int or list of int of the object ids **Output:** - a list of trimesh.Trimesh of the models ''' objIds = self.objIds if objIds is None else objIds assert _isArrayLike(objIds) or isinstance(objIds, int), 'objIds must be an integer or a list/numpy array of integers' objIds = objIds if _isArrayLike(objIds) else [objIds] models = [] for i in tqdm(objIds, desc='Loading objects...'): plyfile = os.path.join(self.root, 'models','%03d' % i, 'nontextured.ply') models.append(trimesh.load(plyfile)) return models
[docs] def loadCollisionLabels(self, sceneIds=None): ''' **Input:** - sceneIds: int or list of int of the scene ids. **Output:** - dict of the collision labels. ''' sceneIds = self.sceneIds if sceneIds is None else sceneIds assert _isArrayLike(sceneIds) or isinstance(sceneIds, int), 'sceneIds must be an integer or a list/numpy array of integers' sceneIds = sceneIds if _isArrayLike(sceneIds) else [sceneIds] collisionLabels = {} for sid in tqdm(sceneIds, desc='Loading collision labels...'): labels = np.load(os.path.join(self.root, 'collision_label','scene_'+str(sid).zfill(4), 'collision_labels.npz')) collisionLabel = [] for j in range(len(labels)): collisionLabel.append(labels['arr_{}'.format(j)]) collisionLabels['scene_'+str(sid).zfill(4)] = collisionLabel return collisionLabels
[docs] def loadRGB(self, sceneId, camera, annId): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of the scene index. - camera: string of type of camera, 'realsense' or 'kinect' - annId: int of the annotation index. **Output:** - numpy array of the rgb in RGB order. ''' return cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'rgb', '%04d.png' % annId)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
[docs] def loadBGR(self, sceneId, camera, annId): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of the scene index. - camera: string of type of camera, 'realsense' or 'kinect' - annId: int of the annotation index. **Output:** - numpy array of the rgb in BGR order. ''' return cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'rgb', '%04d.png' % annId))
[docs] def loadDepth(self, sceneId, camera, annId): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of the scene index. - camera: string of type of camera, 'realsense' or 'kinect' - annId: int of the annotation index. **Output:** - numpy array of the depth with dtype = np.uint16 ''' return cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'depth', '%04d.png' % annId), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
[docs] def loadMask(self, sceneId, camera, annId): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of the scene index. - camera: string of type of camera, 'realsense' or 'kinect' - annId: int of the annotation index. **Output:** - numpy array of the mask with dtype = np.uint16 ''' return cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'label', '%04d.png' % annId), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
[docs] def loadWorkSpace(self, sceneId, camera, annId): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of the scene index. - camera: string of type of camera, 'realsense' or 'kinect' - annId: int of the annotation index. **Output:** - tuple of the bounding box coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2). ''' mask = self.loadMask(sceneId, camera, annId) maskx = np.any(mask, axis=0) masky = np.any(mask, axis=1) x1 = np.argmax(maskx) y1 = np.argmax(masky) x2 = len(maskx) - np.argmax(maskx[::-1]) y2 = len(masky) - np.argmax(masky[::-1]) return (x1, y1, x2, y2)
[docs] def loadScenePointCloud(self, sceneId, camera, annId, align=False, format = 'open3d', use_workspace = False, use_mask = True, use_inpainting = False): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of the scene index. - camera: string of type of camera, 'realsense' or 'kinect' - annId: int of the annotation index. - aligh: bool of whether align to the table frame. - format: string of the returned type. 'open3d' or 'numpy' - use_workspace: bool of whether crop the point cloud in the work space. - use_mask: bool of whether crop the point cloud use mask(z>0), only open3d 0.9.0 is supported for False option. Only turn to False if you know what you are doing. - use_inpainting: bool of whether inpaint the depth image for the missing information. **Output:** - open3d.geometry.PointCloud instance of the scene point cloud. - or tuple of numpy array of point locations and colors. ''' colors = self.loadRGB(sceneId = sceneId, camera = camera, annId = annId).astype(np.float32) / 255.0 depths = self.loadDepth(sceneId = sceneId, camera = camera, annId = annId) if use_inpainting: fault_mask = depths < 200 depths[fault_mask] = 0 inpainting_mask = (np.abs(depths) < 10).astype(np.uint8) depths = cv2.inpaint(depths, inpainting_mask, 5, cv2.INPAINT_NS) intrinsics = np.load(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'camK.npy')) fx, fy = intrinsics[0,0], intrinsics[1,1] cx, cy = intrinsics[0,2], intrinsics[1,2] s = 1000.0 if align: camera_poses = np.load(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'camera_poses.npy')) camera_pose = camera_poses[annId] align_mat = np.load(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'cam0_wrt_table.npy')) camera_pose = xmap, ymap = np.arange(colors.shape[1]), np.arange(colors.shape[0]) xmap, ymap = np.meshgrid(xmap, ymap) points_z = depths / s points_x = (xmap - cx) / fx * points_z points_y = (ymap - cy) / fy * points_z # print(f'points_x.shape:{points_x.shape}') # print(f'points_y.shape:{points_y.shape}') # print(f'points_z.shape:{points_z.shape}') if use_workspace: (x1, y1, x2, y2) = self.loadWorkSpace(sceneId, camera, annId) points_z = points_z[y1:y2,x1:x2] points_x = points_x[y1:y2,x1:x2] points_y = points_y[y1:y2,x1:x2] colors = colors[y1:y2,x1:x2] mask = (points_z > 0) points = np.stack([points_x, points_y, points_z], axis=-1) # print(f'points.shape:{points.shape}') if use_mask: points = points[mask] colors = colors[mask] else: points = points.reshape((-1, 3)) colors = colors.reshape((-1, 3)) if align: points = transform_points(points, camera_pose) if format == 'open3d': cloud = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() cloud.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) cloud.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(colors) return cloud elif format == 'numpy': return points, colors else: raise ValueError('Format must be either "open3d" or "numpy".')
[docs] def loadSceneModel(self, sceneId, camera = 'kinect', annId = 0, align = False): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of the scene index. - camera: string of type of camera, 'realsense' or 'kinect' - annId: int of the annotation index. - align: bool of whether align to the table frame. **Output:** - open3d.geometry.PointCloud list of the scene models. ''' if align: camera_poses = np.load(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'camera_poses.npy')) camera_pose = camera_poses[annId] align_mat = np.load(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'cam0_wrt_table.npy')) camera_pose = np.matmul(align_mat,camera_pose) scene_reader = xmlReader(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_%04d' % sceneId, camera, 'annotations', '%04d.xml'% annId)) posevectors = scene_reader.getposevectorlist() obj_list = [] mat_list = [] model_list = [] pose_list = [] for posevector in posevectors: obj_idx, pose = parse_posevector(posevector) obj_list.append(obj_idx) mat_list.append(pose) for obj_idx, pose in zip(obj_list, mat_list): plyfile = os.path.join(self.root, 'models', '%03d'%obj_idx, 'nontextured.ply') model = points = np.array(model.points) if align: pose =, pose) points = transform_points(points, pose) model.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(points) model_list.append(model) pose_list.append(pose) return model_list
[docs] def loadGrasp(self, sceneId, annId=0, format = '6d', camera='kinect', grasp_labels = None, collision_labels = None, fric_coef_thresh=0.4): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of scene id. - annId: int of annotation id. - format: string of grasp format, '6d' or 'rect'. - camera: string of camera type, 'kinect' or 'realsense'. - grasp_labels: dict of grasp labels. Call self.loadGraspLabels if not given. - collision_labels: dict of collision labels. Call self.loadCollisionLabels if not given. - fric_coef_thresh: float of the frcition coefficient threshold of the grasp. **ATTENTION** the LOWER the friction coefficient is, the better the grasp is. **Output:** - If format == '6d', return a GraspGroup instance. - If format == 'rect', return a RectGraspGroup instance. ''' import numpy as np assert format == '6d' or format == 'rect', 'format must be "6d" or "rect"' if format == '6d': from .utils.xmlhandler import xmlReader from .utils.utils import get_obj_pose_list, generate_views, get_model_grasps, transform_points from .utils.rotation import batch_viewpoint_params_to_matrix camera_poses = np.load(os.path.join(self.root,'scenes','scene_%04d' %(sceneId,),camera, 'camera_poses.npy')) camera_pose = camera_poses[annId] scene_reader = xmlReader(os.path.join(self.root,'scenes','scene_%04d' %(sceneId,),camera,'annotations','%04d.xml' %(annId,))) pose_vectors = scene_reader.getposevectorlist() obj_list,pose_list = get_obj_pose_list(camera_pose,pose_vectors) if grasp_labels is None: print('warning: grasp_labels are not given, calling self.loadGraspLabels to retrieve them') grasp_labels = self.loadGraspLabels(objIds = obj_list) if collision_labels is None: print('warning: collision_labels are not given, calling self.loadCollisionLabels to retrieve them') collision_labels = self.loadCollisionLabels(sceneId) num_views, num_angles, num_depths = 300, 12, 4 template_views = generate_views(num_views) template_views = template_views[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] template_views = np.tile(template_views, [1, 1, num_angles, num_depths, 1]) collision_dump = collision_labels['scene_'+str(sceneId).zfill(4)] # grasp = dict() grasp_group = GraspGroup() for i, (obj_idx, trans) in enumerate(zip(obj_list, pose_list)): sampled_points, offsets, fric_coefs = grasp_labels[obj_idx] collision = collision_dump[i] point_inds = np.arange(sampled_points.shape[0]) num_points = len(point_inds) target_points = sampled_points[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] target_points = np.tile(target_points, [1, num_views, num_angles, num_depths, 1]) views = np.tile(template_views, [num_points, 1, 1, 1, 1]) angles = offsets[:, :, :, :, 0] depths = offsets[:, :, :, :, 1] widths = offsets[:, :, :, :, 2] mask1 = ((fric_coefs <= fric_coef_thresh) & (fric_coefs > 0) & ~collision) target_points = target_points[mask1] target_points = transform_points(target_points, trans) target_points = transform_points(target_points, np.linalg.inv(camera_pose)) views = views[mask1] angles = angles[mask1] depths = depths[mask1] widths = widths[mask1] fric_coefs = fric_coefs[mask1] Rs = batch_viewpoint_params_to_matrix(-views, angles) Rs = np.matmul(trans[np.newaxis, :3, :3], Rs) Rs = np.matmul(np.linalg.inv(camera_pose)[np.newaxis,:3,:3], Rs) num_grasp = widths.shape[0] scores = (1.1 - fric_coefs).reshape(-1,1) widths = widths.reshape(-1,1) heights = GRASP_HEIGHT * np.ones((num_grasp,1)) depths = depths.reshape(-1,1) rotations = Rs.reshape((-1,9)) object_ids = obj_idx * np.ones((num_grasp,1), dtype=np.int32) obj_grasp_array = np.hstack([scores, widths, heights, depths, rotations, target_points, object_ids]).astype(np.float32) grasp_group.grasp_group_array = np.concatenate((grasp_group.grasp_group_array, obj_grasp_array)) return grasp_group else: # 'rect' rect_grasps = RectGraspGroup(os.path.join(self.root,'scenes','scene_%04d' % sceneId,camera,'rect','%04d.npy' % annId)) return rect_grasps
[docs] def loadData(self, ids=None, *extargs): ''' **Input:** - ids: int or list of int of the the data ids. - extargs: extra arguments. This function can also be called with loadData(sceneId, camera, annId) **Output:** - if ids is int, returns a tuple of data path - if ids is not specified or is a list, returns a tuple of data path lists ''' if ids is None: return (self.rgbPath, self.depthPath, self.segLabelPath, self.metaPath, self.rectLabelPath, self.sceneName, self.annId) if len(extargs) == 0: if isinstance(ids, int): return (self.rgbPath[ids], self.depthPath[ids], self.segLabelPath[ids], self.metaPath[ids], self.rectLabelPath[ids], self.sceneName[ids], self.annId[ids]) else: return ([self.rgbPath[id] for id in ids], [self.depthPath[id] for id in ids], [self.segLabelPath[id] for id in ids], [self.metaPath[id] for id in ids], [self.rectLabelPath[id] for id in ids], [self.sceneName[id] for id in ids], [self.annId[id] for id in ids]) if len(extargs) == 2: sceneId = ids camera, annId = extargs rgbPath = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(sceneId).zfill(4), camera, 'rgb', str(annId).zfill(4)+'.png') depthPath = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(sceneId).zfill(4), camera, 'depth', str(annId).zfill(4)+'.png') segLabelPath = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(sceneId).zfill(4), camera, 'label', str(annId).zfill(4)+'.png') metaPath = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(sceneId).zfill(4), camera, 'meta', str(annId).zfill(4)+'.mat') rectLabelPath = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', 'scene_'+str(sceneId).zfill(4), camera, 'rect', str(annId).zfill(4)+'.npy') scene_name = 'scene_'+str(sceneId).zfill(4) return (rgbPath, depthPath, segLabelPath, metaPath, rectLabelPath, scene_name,annId)
[docs] def showObjGrasp(self, objIds=[], numGrasp=10, th=0.5, maxWidth=0.08, saveFolder='save_fig', show=False): ''' **Input:** - objIds: int of list of objects ids. - numGrasp: how many grasps to show in the image. - th: threshold of the coefficient of friction. - maxWidth: float, only visualize grasps with width<=maxWidth - saveFolder: string of the path to save the rendered image. - show: bool of whether to show the image. **Output:** - No output but save the rendered image and maybe show it. ''' from .utils.vis import visObjGrasp objIds = objIds if _isArrayLike(objIds) else [objIds] if len(objIds) == 0: print('You need to specify object ids.') return 0 if not os.path.exists(saveFolder): os.mkdir(saveFolder) for obj_id in objIds: visObjGrasp(self.root, obj_id, num_grasp=numGrasp, th=th, max_width=maxWidth, save_folder=saveFolder, show=show)
[docs] def showSceneGrasp(self, sceneId, camera = 'kinect', annId = 0, format = '6d', numGrasp = 20, show_object = True, coef_fric_thresh = 0.1): ''' **Input:** - sceneId: int of the scene index. - camera: string of the camera type, 'realsense' or 'kinect'. - annId: int of the annotation index. - format: int of the annotation type, 'rect' or '6d'. - numGrasp: int of the displayed grasp number, grasps will be randomly sampled. - coef_fric_thresh: float of the friction coefficient of grasps. ''' if format == '6d': geometries = [] sceneGrasp = self.loadGrasp(sceneId = sceneId, annId = annId, camera = camera, format = '6d', fric_coef_thresh = coef_fric_thresh) sceneGrasp = sceneGrasp.random_sample(numGrasp = numGrasp) scenePCD = self.loadScenePointCloud(sceneId = sceneId, camera = camera, annId = annId, align = False) geometries.append(scenePCD) geometries += sceneGrasp.to_open3d_geometry_list() if show_object: objectPCD = self.loadSceneModel(sceneId = sceneId, camera = camera, annId = annId, align = False) geometries += objectPCD o3d.visualization.draw_geometries(geometries) elif format == 'rect': bgr = self.loadBGR(sceneId = sceneId, camera = camera, annId = annId) sceneGrasp = self.loadGrasp(sceneId = sceneId, camera = camera, annId = annId, format = 'rect', fric_coef_thresh = coef_fric_thresh) sceneGrasp = sceneGrasp.random_sample(numGrasp = numGrasp) img = sceneGrasp.to_opencv_image(bgr, numGrasp = numGrasp) cv2.imshow('Rectangle Grasps',img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
[docs] def show6DPose(self, sceneIds, saveFolder='save_fig', show=False, perObj=False): ''' **Input:** - sceneIds: int or list of scene ids. - saveFolder: string of the folder to store the image. - show: bool of whether to show the image. - perObj: bool, show grasps on each object **Output:** - No output but to save the rendered image and maybe show the result. ''' from .utils.vis import vis6D sceneIds = sceneIds if _isArrayLike(sceneIds) else [sceneIds] if len(sceneIds) == 0: print('You need specify scene ids.') return 0 if not os.path.exists(saveFolder): os.mkdir(saveFolder) for scene_id in sceneIds: scene_name = 'scene_'+str(scene_id).zfill(4) vis6D(self.root, scene_name, 0,, align_to_table=True, save_folder=saveFolder, show=show, per_obj=perObj)