Source code for graspnetAPI.graspnet_eval

__author__ = 'mhgou, cxwang and hsfang'

import numpy as np
import os
import time
import pickle
import open3d as o3d

from .graspnet import GraspNet
from .grasp import GraspGroup
from .utils.config import get_config
from .utils.eval_utils import get_scene_name, create_table_points, parse_posevector, load_dexnet_model, transform_points, compute_point_distance, compute_closest_points, voxel_sample_points, topk_grasps, get_grasp_score, collision_detection, eval_grasp
from .utils.xmlhandler import xmlReader
from .utils.utils import generate_scene_model

[docs]class GraspNetEval(GraspNet): ''' Class for evaluation on GraspNet dataset. **Input:** - root: string of root path for the dataset. - camera: string of type of the camera. - split: string of the date split. ''' def __init__(self, root, camera, split = 'test'): super(GraspNetEval, self).__init__(root, camera, split)
[docs] def get_scene_models(self, scene_id, ann_id): ''' return models in model coordinate ''' model_dir = os.path.join(self.root, 'models') # print('Scene {}, {}'.format(scene_id, camera)) scene_reader = xmlReader(os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', get_scene_name(scene_id),, 'annotations', '%04d.xml' % (ann_id,))) posevectors = scene_reader.getposevectorlist() obj_list = [] model_list = [] dexmodel_list = [] for posevector in posevectors: obj_idx, _ = parse_posevector(posevector) obj_list.append(obj_idx) for obj_idx in obj_list: model =, '%03d' % obj_idx, 'nontextured.ply')) dex_cache_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'dex_models', '%03d.pkl' % obj_idx) if os.path.exists(dex_cache_path): with open(dex_cache_path, 'rb') as f: dexmodel = pickle.load(f) else: dexmodel = load_dexnet_model(os.path.join(model_dir, '%03d' % obj_idx, 'textured')) points = np.array(model.points) model_list.append(points) dexmodel_list.append(dexmodel) return model_list, dexmodel_list, obj_list
[docs] def get_model_poses(self, scene_id, ann_id): ''' **Input:** - scene_id: int of the scen index. - ann_id: int of the annotation index. **Output:** - obj_list: list of int of object index. - pose_list: list of 4x4 matrices of object poses. - camera_pose: 4x4 matrix of the camera pose relative to the first frame. - align mat: 4x4 matrix of camera relative to the table. ''' scene_dir = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes') camera_poses_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', get_scene_name(scene_id),, 'camera_poses.npy') camera_poses = np.load(camera_poses_path) camera_pose = camera_poses[ann_id] align_mat_path = os.path.join(self.root, 'scenes', get_scene_name(scene_id),, 'cam0_wrt_table.npy') align_mat = np.load(align_mat_path) # print('Scene {}, {}'.format(scene_id, camera)) scene_reader = xmlReader(os.path.join(scene_dir, get_scene_name(scene_id),, 'annotations', '%04d.xml'% (ann_id,))) posevectors = scene_reader.getposevectorlist() obj_list = [] pose_list = [] for posevector in posevectors: obj_idx, mat = parse_posevector(posevector) obj_list.append(obj_idx) pose_list.append(mat) return obj_list, pose_list, camera_pose, align_mat
[docs] def eval_scene(self, scene_id, dump_folder, TOP_K = 50, return_list = False,vis = False, max_width = 0.1): ''' **Input:** - scene_id: int of the scene index. - dump_folder: string of the folder that saves the dumped npy files. - TOP_K: int of the top number of grasp to evaluate - return_list: bool of whether to return the result list. - vis: bool of whether to show the result - max_width: float of the maximum gripper width in evaluation **Output:** - scene_accuracy: np.array of shape (256, 50, 6) of the accuracy tensor. ''' config = get_config() table = create_table_points(1.0, 1.0, 0.05, dx=-0.5, dy=-0.5, dz=-0.05, grid_size=0.008) list_coe_of_friction = [0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2] model_list, dexmodel_list, _ = self.get_scene_models(scene_id, ann_id=0) model_sampled_list = list() for model in model_list: model_sampled = voxel_sample_points(model, 0.008) model_sampled_list.append(model_sampled) scene_accuracy = [] grasp_list_list = [] score_list_list = [] collision_list_list = [] for ann_id in range(256): grasp_group = GraspGroup().from_npy(os.path.join(dump_folder,get_scene_name(scene_id),, '%04d.npy' % (ann_id,))) _, pose_list, camera_pose, align_mat = self.get_model_poses(scene_id, ann_id) table_trans = transform_points(table, np.linalg.inv(np.matmul(align_mat, camera_pose))) # clip width to [0,max_width] gg_array = grasp_group.grasp_group_array min_width_mask = (gg_array[:,1] < 0) max_width_mask = (gg_array[:,1] > max_width) gg_array[min_width_mask,1] = 0 gg_array[max_width_mask,1] = max_width grasp_group.grasp_group_array = gg_array grasp_list, score_list, collision_mask_list = eval_grasp(grasp_group, model_sampled_list, dexmodel_list, pose_list, config, table=table_trans, voxel_size=0.008, TOP_K = TOP_K) # remove empty grasp_list = [x for x in grasp_list if len(x) != 0] score_list = [x for x in score_list if len(x) != 0] collision_mask_list = [x for x in collision_mask_list if len(x)!=0] if len(grasp_list) == 0: grasp_accuracy = np.zeros((TOP_K,len(list_coe_of_friction))) scene_accuracy.append(grasp_accuracy) grasp_list_list.append([]) score_list_list.append([]) collision_list_list.append([]) print('\rMean Accuracy for scene:{} ann:{}='.format(scene_id, ann_id),np.mean(grasp_accuracy[:,:]), end='') continue # concat into scene level grasp_list, score_list, collision_mask_list = np.concatenate(grasp_list), np.concatenate(score_list), np.concatenate(collision_mask_list) if vis: t = o3d.geometry.PointCloud() t.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(table_trans) model_list = generate_scene_model(self.root, 'scene_%04d' % scene_id , ann_id, return_poses=False, align=False, import copy gg = GraspGroup(copy.deepcopy(grasp_list)) scores = np.array(score_list) scores = scores / 2 + 0.5 # -1 -> 0, 0 -> 0.5, 1 -> 1 scores[collision_mask_list] = 0.3 gg.scores = scores gg.widths = 0.1 * np.ones((len(gg)), dtype = np.float32) grasps_geometry = gg.to_open3d_geometry_list() pcd = self.loadScenePointCloud(scene_id,, ann_id) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd, *grasps_geometry]) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([pcd, *grasps_geometry, *model_list]) o3d.visualization.draw_geometries([*grasps_geometry, *model_list, t]) # sort in scene level grasp_confidence = grasp_list[:,0] indices = np.argsort(-grasp_confidence) grasp_list, score_list, collision_mask_list = grasp_list[indices], score_list[indices], collision_mask_list[indices] grasp_list_list.append(grasp_list) score_list_list.append(score_list) collision_list_list.append(collision_mask_list) #calculate AP grasp_accuracy = np.zeros((TOP_K,len(list_coe_of_friction))) for fric_idx, fric in enumerate(list_coe_of_friction): for k in range(0,TOP_K): if k+1 > len(score_list): grasp_accuracy[k,fric_idx] = np.sum(((score_list<=fric) & (score_list>0)).astype(int))/(k+1) else: grasp_accuracy[k,fric_idx] = np.sum(((score_list[0:k+1]<=fric) & (score_list[0:k+1]>0)).astype(int))/(k+1) print('\rMean Accuracy for scene:%04d ann:%04d = %.3f' % (scene_id, ann_id, 100.0 * np.mean(grasp_accuracy[:,:])), end='', flush=True) scene_accuracy.append(grasp_accuracy) if not return_list: return scene_accuracy else: return scene_accuracy, grasp_list_list, score_list_list, collision_list_list
[docs] def parallel_eval_scenes(self, scene_ids, dump_folder, proc = 2): ''' **Input:** - scene_ids: list of int of scene index. - dump_folder: string of the folder that saves the npy files. - proc: int of the number of processes to use to evaluate. **Output:** - scene_acc_list: list of the scene accuracy. ''' from multiprocessing import Pool p = Pool(processes = proc) res_list = [] for scene_id in scene_ids: res_list.append(p.apply_async(self.eval_scene, (scene_id, dump_folder))) p.close() p.join() scene_acc_list = [] for res in res_list: scene_acc_list.append(res.get()) return scene_acc_list
[docs] def eval_seen(self, dump_folder, proc = 2): ''' **Input:** - dump_folder: string of the folder that saves the npy files. - proc: int of the number of processes to use to evaluate. **Output:** - res: numpy array of the detailed accuracy. - ap: float of the AP for seen split. ''' res = np.array(self.parallel_eval_scenes(scene_ids = list(range(100, 130)), dump_folder = dump_folder, proc = proc)) ap = np.mean(res) print('\nEvaluation Result:\n----------\n{}, AP Seen={}'.format(, ap)) return res, ap
[docs] def eval_similar(self, dump_folder, proc = 2): ''' **Input:** - dump_folder: string of the folder that saves the npy files. - proc: int of the number of processes to use to evaluate. **Output:** - res: numpy array of the detailed accuracy. - ap: float of the AP for similar split. ''' res = np.array(self.parallel_eval_scenes(scene_ids = list(range(130, 160)), dump_folder = dump_folder, proc = proc)) ap = np.mean(res) print('\nEvaluation Result:\n----------\n{}, AP={}, AP Similar={}'.format(, ap, ap)) return res, ap
[docs] def eval_novel(self, dump_folder, proc = 2): ''' **Input:** - dump_folder: string of the folder that saves the npy files. - proc: int of the number of processes to use to evaluate. **Output:** - res: numpy array of the detailed accuracy. - ap: float of the AP for novel split. ''' res = np.array(self.parallel_eval_scenes(scene_ids = list(range(160, 190)), dump_folder = dump_folder, proc = proc)) ap = np.mean(res) print('\nEvaluation Result:\n----------\n{}, AP={}, AP Novel={}'.format(, ap, ap)) return res, ap
[docs] def eval_all(self, dump_folder, proc = 2): ''' **Input:** - dump_folder: string of the folder that saves the npy files. - proc: int of the number of processes to use to evaluate. **Output:** - res: numpy array of the detailed accuracy. - ap: float of the AP for all split. ''' res = np.array(self.parallel_eval_scenes(scene_ids = list(range(100, 190)), dump_folder = dump_folder, proc = proc)) ap = [np.mean(res), np.mean(res[0:30]), np.mean(res[30:60]), np.mean(res[60:90])] print('\nEvaluation Result:\n----------\n{}, AP={}, AP Seen={}, AP Similar={}, AP Novel={}'.format(, ap[0], ap[1], ap[2], ap[3])) return res, ap